Acupuncture on the Spot is an authorized community care provider with the Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee Veterans Administration Clinics. You must contact your primary provider at the VA to request care. The community care department at the local VA will then authorize a series of appointments, typically 12 visits over 60-90 days to start. If the sessions prove beneficial, the treatments may be continued. If you have some percentage of disability with the VA, they pay 100%.
Veterans can benefit greatly from acupuncture. A 2017 survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health showed that 65.6% of veterans reported pain in the 3 months prior to the survey. The VA is promoting non-pharmacologic pain care including acupuncture in order to reduce opioid use and improve the quality of life for their patients.
Typically the VA is recommending acupuncture care for back and neck pain, headache/migraine, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and other pain syndromes, but it can also be helpful for PTSD and mental/emotional balancing.
Please call Susan Mosley, DACM, LAc at 770-548-0172 with any questions.