2023 International Conference
QiMovers first international conference since the pandemic
was held April 21-24, 2023 in Bellagio, Lake Como region of Italy. Topics of
interest included:
- Introduction to Light Therapy: The When, Why,
and How Long of Far Infrared, Near Infrared, Red, Yellow, and Green Light
- TCM Treatment of Long Haul Covid and Vaccine Side
- Airway Clearance Techniques
- Exercise Demonstrations for Increasing Hip Flexibility
and Rehabilitation of Bursitis/Labral Tear
- Back to the Basics: Differential Diagnosis of Headache
- Master Tung’s Most Useful Point Prescriptions
for Orthopedic Complaints
- TCM Food Energetics and Relation to the
Mediterranean Diet
- Electrotherapy Basics: EMS, TENS, and
Microcurrent Acupuncture Stimulation
- Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly Strategies for the
Resolution of Blood/SP Deficiency
- Adding Low Level Laser Therapy to Your Practice
Attendees also participated in daily Long White
Cloud qigong breathing techniques and moving meditation exercises specifically
targeting anxiety and insomnia. Several participants continued travels abroad for several
days, touring Genoa, Camogli, and Cinque Terre.
Southern Regional 2021 winter QiMovers meeting
was held in December at Isle of Palms, SC, with forays into the city of Charleston. Presentations included:
“Differential Diagnosis of Shortness of Breath: Review of the AAFP guidelines on Cardiac, Pulmonary, Combined, and Non-cardiac/Pulmonary Patterns” with explanations of standard Western medicine diagnostic testing and optimal physical examination.
“Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation and Pharmacological and Interventional Treatments”, followed by a recently diagnosed patient’s experience.
Attendees reviewed several electrocardiogram apps and devices designed for at home use.
“The Effects of Long Term Heavy Alcohol Consumption” including cognition, mental health, immunity, cardiovascular disease and stroke, liver function, nutritional deficits, and cancer risks.
“10 Best Anti-inflammatory Supplements” with recommended dosages, precautions, and choosing quality brands.
“Traditional Chinese Medicinal Uses of the Flora and Fauna of the Sea”
QiMovers 2021 Southeastern Regional Meeding
The 2021 Spring meeting of QiMovers was held in Fort Myers Florida May
7-10. National meeting was cancelled due to COVID travel restrictions and safety issues.
Topics discussed included:
- Treatment strategies for Parkinson’s, ALS,
MS, and other neurological diseases led by Terry Jeanne, LAc.
- Treatment of eye diseases including diplopia,
nystagmus, abnormal miosis, and mydriasis
- Susan Mosley, DACM, LAc. performed a demonstration
of microneedling and nano needling for facial rejuvenation, scar reduction,
stretch marks, melasma, and hair loss
- Panel discussion was held on TCM, nutritional,
and topical treatments for recurrent shingles
- Attendees
reviewed new data on COVID vaccines and CDC recommendations
- Panel discussion was held on the treatment of variants of post COVID syndrome
Spring 2020 Southeastern Regional Meeting
 Burnett Gap trail
The spring 2020 gathering of the Southeastern region QiMovers members was held in
Del Rio, TN at The Bunkhouse Resort on the French Broad river May 29th-June
1, 2020. No national meeting was held this year due to COVID restrictions. The weather was mild and local guide Jeff was able to lead us on a
medicinal herb hikes along the Burnett Gap and Wolf Creek Falls Trails.
Susan Mosley, DACM, LAc
lead a discussion on recommendations by the
CDC, WHO, ASA, and other organizations on reopening of acupuncture clinics in
the wake of COVID, with specific recommendations on cleaning and disinfection
practices. She also gave an update on the Veteran's Administration's planned switch to Optum for the region, and 'Integrative medicine approaches to boost the immune System'.
Terry Jeanne, LAc. Presented ‘Telemedicine Basics: Non-needle
Treatments’, specifically EFT, TAT, acupressure, and more, and led a talk on
Sound Immersion Systems.
Ruth Kyle, LAc. Performed a Dao needling demonstration with
a followup Q & A session. She also presented ‘The 5 most important
stretches for any client’ with indications for use and tips for clinical practice.
Summer 2019 National Meeting
 At the herbal museum
Fall 2019
meeting of QiMovers was held in the spiritual mecca of Sedona AZ over Labor Day
weekend. Participants hiked the airport and the Bell vortices, swirling centers
of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation and self-exploration. Bell
Rock strengthens both the masculine and feminine side and promotes
balance. The airport vortex strengthens the masculine
side. We also attended Pete Sanders Jr’s. live ‘Scientific Vortex
Information’ presentation.
Attendees explored several local crystal
emporiums, and visited the Crystalis Institute to learn about
the certification course in Crystal Resonance Therapy.
We toured a local
herbal distributor’s pharmacy, and received information about cultivation,
harvesting, compounding, and marketing of the products.
Members also followed a National Forest
Service self-guided herb walk featuring medicinal and edible plants of the Verde
valley/Sedona area. The plants included prickly pear fruit, mesquite pods, juniper,
barberry, red root, valerian, desert willow, and blue yucca.
On the Western medicine side, hands-on
training was given in the Alpha Stim cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device
frequently prescribed by the Veteran’s Administration for PTSD, insomnia, and
pain relief.
Susan Mosley, DACM, LAc presented “Care
of Veterans through TriWest: Billing and Authorization Basics”.
Qi Movers was founded in 2005 by a community of acupuncturists and other health care practitioners. Our mission includes sharing of unusual experiences and treatment strategies, continuing education, establishment of a networking and referral base, outreach and public education, career counseling, and drawing strength and positive energy from association with other practitioners and supporters.
Among our members are professionals from a wide variety of disciplines including nurses, rolfers, counselors, respiratory therapists, massage therapists, nutritionists, energy workers, personal trainers, herbalists, attorneys, and professional organizers.
To join, register for upcoming seminars, suggest topics for continuing education, or for general questions, contact susan@acupunctureonthespot.com
 On the Hiwassee river
The 2019 summer meeting was held June 13-16 in Reliance TN.
Attendees were able to tour the popular working Mennonite farm in Delano and
float the Hiwassee river during their off time.
Topics covered included:
‘TCM Treatment for Back Country Emergencies’
‘Updates on Insurance Coverage in Tennessee and Georgia’
‘Veteran’s Administration and TriWest: What Happens after
the Choice Program’
‘Management of Metabolic Syndrome’
‘Hand held laser protocols’
‘Keeping Fit After Retirement: The Best Physical and Mental
Exercises and Dietary Recommendations’
 Spokane Falls
The 2018 Northwestern USA chapter
meeting of QiMovers was held in Spokane Washington Nov 24-28. This conference
targeted care of the home hospice patient. We explored acupuncture, reiki, and
other supportive strategies that may be used to complement standard care of the
dying and their caregivers. Specific topics included:
Protocols for improving sleep and
alleviating anxiety
Pain reduction techniques
Treatment of nausea, vomiting, and
loss of appetite
Treatment of fatigue
Emotional balancing for the patient
and family members
Nutritional recommendations
Guided meditations for acceptance
and peace
Acupressure and massage recommendations
 World's Fair Park
The Winter 2018 meeting of the southeastern US members
of QiMovers was held in Knoxville TN, with a focus on hands on demonstrations. Topics
Oil Pulling 101
Tturmeric: Benefits, Recipes, and Recommended
Kratom: Usage, Dosing Strategies,
Cautions, and Relevant Regulations
Basics of the Tapas Acupressure Technique
How to Film, Edit, and Promote your
Reviews of EMR programs for
acupuncture clinics
With product demos of:
Vibroacoustic massage table
Seagate Olive Leaf Extract products
Magravs Plasma Power Generator
Unified Practice EMR system
Filmora video editing software